Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Insurance Important

The purpose of insurance is transferring the risk of a financial loss you might experience due to life’s uncertainties to an insurance company for a small fee. #Insurance, #IAmBabereki, #BaberekiInsurance

What Is Insurance?

The concept of insurance is very simple to understand. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to the insurance company to insure your life, health, vehicle, property, etc for a certain period. In return, the insurer pays for the financial damages in case of any harm to the insured person or object. #Insurance, #IAmBabereki, #BaberekiInsurance

Why Is Insurance Important

The purpose of insurance is transferring the risk of a financial loss you might experience due to life’s uncertainties to an insurance company for a small fee. #Insurance, #IAmBabereki, #BaberekiInsurance